And I say I am good girl!

Some days get you thinking more than others, and today, I though about you and how I broke your heart..

I knew you were about to say it and you told me that you had something to say..
I asked you not to say it...
You said you had and wanted to..
I told you not to, cause I could not say it back..
You said that was okay...
But i knew better, I knew it would change things.. I was not prepared to hear it, I could not say it back!
I love you..
What do you say when you cannot say it back.. Thank you..
I could not say it back, i was not ready.. why did you have to say it?!
I am sorry i broke your heart..

But today, I am thinking of you and how you are doing!
I like you, but I could not say it back!
It was too soon..


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