Bali part 3
Bali del 3 på ingång och bakgång!
Part three is here and there is more to come!

Icebreaking fest för alla AE studenter..
Icebreaking party for everyone in AE program.



Gratis mat och öl för kvällen..
Free beer and free food for the evening, free always tastes the best!




För folket som tycker om att röka emellanåt var det lite shisha..
For everyone who enjoys smoking there was Shisha to be enjoyed.. Not by me though, can't conciously poison my lugns in that way..


Ricky min kära villa roomie..
Ricky my dear villa roomie.

Grabbarna i andra villan till vänster om våran... Förtydligande här, det är 3 villor på en tomt, grabbarna har en, jag och Ricky har den i mitten och Marjo, Taneli, och Stina har den till höger om våran, i mitten av alla tre husen har vi våran pool..
The boys in the villa to the left of ours.. Explanation; there are three villas, the boys has one (to the left), Ricky and I has the middle one, Marjo, Taneli, and Stina has the one to the right and in the middle of our three houses is our pool.
Barong Dance, Monkey Forest, & Rice Fields



Undret när tr vita människor går in i en sal full med Indoneser.. De vissla, klappade, ville ta kort och hela fadderuttan! Vi var the Main Attraction och inte Barong Dansen vi skulle kolla på..
Peoples wonder when three white people walk into a room full of Indonesians.. There was clapping, cheering, vissteling and they kept on wanting to take pictures with us and playing papparazzis when we weren't looking etc.. We were basically the main attraction and not the Barong Dance we were suppose to wtch.


Monkey Forest for the WIN!


Ricky ...




Just Chillin' ...




Och våran kära Jully blev stannad av polisen.. Det visar sig att även Balineser blir stannade och måste betala en liten slant emellanåt..
Our dearie Jully got stopped by cops.. It turns out its not only us foreigners who get stopped but the Balinese and Indonesians as well as everyone else...

Rice Fields...


Rice Fields trip!

Stay True To Yourself,
Always & Forever